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Support design by: haldyy - September 2016

Selasa, 08 November 2016



1. janji bisnis

Assistant: This is Hanif’s Clinic with me Rani, Can I help you?
Mrs. Wati: Good Afternoon, miss. Would you see any problems with helping me?
Assistant: Good Afternoon. Granted, what would I be able to accomplish for you?
Mrs. Wati: I require more data about my youngsters’ development and what nourishment if I nourish after mother’s milk. Who would I be able to meet to clarify about it?
Assistant: You can meet Dr. Hanif to get additional data about your youngsters and for your kids’ sustenance you can meet our nourishment advisor. On the other hand, you need to make an arrangement first to meet them.
Mrs. Wati: Can I meet them this evening?
Assistant: Please, examine it straightforwardly with Dr. Hanif. I’ll associate you with him. It would be ideal if you hold up a moment.
Mrs. Wati: Well, thank you, Ms. Dara.
Dr. Hanif : Hello, this is Dr. Hanif. Could I help you?
Mrs. Wati : Hello. This is Wati talking.
Dr. Hanif : Hello, Mrs. Wati. This is Hanif. Do you have any issues?
Mrs. Wati : I require more data about my kids’ development and what sustenance if I sustain after mother’s milk. Might you want to meet me at your office this evening at 05.00 p.m.?
Dr. Hanif : How about tomorrow evening at 4? I have numerous patients today.
Mrs. Wati : That’s fine. Much thanks to you Dr. Hanif. See you tomorrow.
Dr. Hanif : You’re invite. See you. Send my respects to your spouse and kids.
Mrs. Wati : Okay.

2. Membawa Dokumen Pada Saat Pertemuan

Citra    : “Good Morning. Microsoft, this is Citra speaking. How may I be of help to you today?”
Hady   : “Hello, May I speak to Mr. Asud, please?”
Citra    : “Who’s calling?”
Hady   : “My name is Gareth Hady
Citra    : “Could you spell that, please?”
Hady   : “Yes, it’s H-A-D-Y”
Citra    : “Ok, hold on a second. I’ll transfer your call.”
Hady   : “Thank you”
Asud   : “Hello, this is Asud speaking.”
Hady   : “Hello Mr. Asud, I am Gareth Hady. May I meet you tomorrow morning in your office?”
Asud   : “Sure. Could you please bring the proposals that I asked yesterday?”
Hady   : “Yes, of course. Should I come by 6 ?”
Asud   : “Yes, 6 would be great.”
Hady   : “Thank you, Mr. Asud.”
Asud   : “You’re welcome.”  

3. Pembatalan Pertemuan

Awi     : “Good Morning. WS, this is Awi speaking. How may I be of help to you today?”
Andra  : “Hello, this is  Andra calling. May I speak to Ms. Bimba, please?”
Awi     : “Ok, hold on a second. I’ll transfer your call”
Andra  : “Thank you.”
Bimba  : “Hello, this is Bimba speaking.”
Andra  : “Hello Ms. Bimba, I am Andra.”
Bimba : “Can I help you, Mr. Andra?”
Andra  : I have a doctor's appointment scheduled with Dr. Smith, and I need to change it.
Bimba  : What day did you have it scheduled for?
Andra  : My appointment was on Tuesday.
Bimba  : What time was it scheduled for?
Andra  : It was for two o'clock in the afternoon.
Bimba  : I see your appointment. What day would you like to switch to?
Andra  : I would like to switch it to next Friday.
Bimba  : What time would you like?
Andra  : I would like to come in at 10:00 in the morning.
Bimba  : Fine, I will pencil that in right now. We will see you then.


To        :
Cc        :
Subject : Advertisment

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Good morning everybody
Nice to meet you all today!
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Smart Detox is safe to be consumed for all ages because its use the detoxification method or the way to throw away the poison from the body by metabolism system that is safe and concerned with nature. This product has brand Smart Nutrition and Food Supplement from America that is trusted during 40 years and spread in 70 countries with FDA Approval certificate.
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Wasalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.
Looking forward to your reply to this email.

Yours sincerely

Pharmacy Group
CEO Marketing Manager
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