Screen Saver

Haldy Dwi Prayoga
Energy Saving Mode using CSS3

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Support design by: haldyy - September 2016

Senin, 22 Mei 2017


What would happen to you if gravity stopped working?

Gravity is a natural phenomenon by which all things with mass are brought toward (or gravitate toward) one another, including planets, stars, and galaxies. We have all experienced the force of gravity. If you jump up into the air, you will fall right back down to the ground. But what if we could switch gravity off? Physics is adamant that this could never actually happen. But that has not stopped people exploring the idea. Jay Buckey, a physician, and one-time NASA astronaut says that our bodies are adapted to an Earth-like gravitational environment. If we spend time living where gravity is different, such as on board a space station, our bodies change.

It is now an established fact that astronauts lose bone mass and muscle strength during stints in space, and their sense of balance changes. An absence of gravity brings other problems. For reasons not entirely clear, our red blood cell count falls, bringing on a form of "space anemia". Wounds take longer to heal and the immune system loses its strength and your sleep will get disturbed if gravity is weak or absent.